... Neufirrel; Neufolstenhausen; Neufunnixsiel; Neuharlingersiel; Neuhausen; Neuheede; Neuheiligenstein; Neu Herbrum; Neuholthausen; Neuis; Neuiserfeld; Neuland; Neulehe; Neu Lingenshof; Neulorup; Neurhede; Neu Ringe; Neu Sandhorst; Neu Schledehausen .... GenealogyBlog is sponsored by our favorite hotel in Salt Lake City - the Salt Lake Plaza Hotel. It's next door to the library! Check out their Genealogy Specials by clicking on the photo. Leland & Patty Meitzler ...
... private breeding assotiation, the best stallion in the category 7 to 10 years old at the Third International Lipizzaner Championship in Topolcianky (2002). Siglavy is not trained yet, located in Neurhede, Germany (Netherland border).